Sometimes the journey to becoming parents is a dream that is recognized quickly and sometimes there are bumps in the road. For this sweet family, the anticipation of this amazing event has been in the making for awhile and when I found out that Maria was expecting their first baby I was overjoyed for her! She is amazing with kids and I know that her wait will make the moment she meets her little miracle even more spectacular! I was able to meet Eric for the first time during this little session and it is clear that he adores Maria and is so excited for this next step in life.
This family already has 3 very cute guard dogs just waiting for the new addition and I love that they included them in this announcement. When we were planning for the reveal there were a lot of people that were expecting the confetti to be pink, (including mom and dad) so the surprise of blue was clearly evident! Getting to be included in such a special way was the best and it’s these type of events that I love, especially since they aren’t ones that I regularly get to do!
Congratulations Eric and Maria! I can’t wait to meet your newest addition in a few short months!